Friday, September 23, 2011

Project Two: Planning

Our new project is a group project, and my group is teaming up to change the common toothpaste tube:
As everyone who brushes their teeth regularly knows, these things are a pain.  You can never squeeze the last bit of toothpaste out of them, the cap comes unscrewed and falls in the sink, dried toothpaste crusts the opening...not pleasant.  So my group has begun brainstorming solutions for this.

This is our concept map, which sort of exploded towards the left side.  We used post-it notes to connect our thoughts instead of writing directly on our poster, which I think added to it, somehow.
Our "big idea" is to to completely overhaul the way toothpaste is dispensed.  If I remember right it was Jaime who came up with the idea of toothpaste capsules with an outer layer that dissolved with the addition of water.  These capsules could be stored dry in many different kinds of containers and would eliminate mess.

Now we have to determine how these capsules would be dispensed.  I'm somewhat apprehensive about our approach to this project, since we obviously cannot produce a capsule--just the container, and some sort of substitute to represent the capsules.  People seem to like the idea though, and I certainly think it's an innovative idea.

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