Monday, February 6, 2012

Hey look I'm not dead

Just in a transition mode!  My BDS teacher for this semester has modified our blog assignment, so I probably won't post here much if at all unless she changes her mind.  Anyways, have the results of my first project:

Collage of my dad.  I know the photo is not of the best quality, but my dorm room has weird lighting and anyway I turned in the project so I can't post a better photo at the mo.

For anyone who still follows me...thanks!  You would be better off on my other blog, though, I actually put work up on there, haha.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Au Revoir, For Now

See you next semester!:)

End of Semester Reflection

Even though we weren't assigned to write any reflections for our final project, I kind of want to sum up my experiences from the semester (also I am determined to have the 30 required blog posts, haha).

When I signed up for this class, I really didn't know what to expect.  "Design, Thinking and Making" leaves a lot of room for interpretation; it's not blatantly obvious like "Drawing I."  But the class still lives up to its name; it reflects what it's about.  There was an emphasis on process instead of just the final product; you had to consider what good design is, think about how it applies to your problem, and then make your solution and solve any new problems that come up.  That happened a lot, haha.

I always thought I was a very DIY, craftsy person, but I felt a bit outclassed in this group!  My section had a lot of industrial majors, and I was the only illustration student.  But, I think I can continue to improve and apply what I DO know to my projects next semester.  Probably my favorite project was this last one, I had fun with my lantern, though I didn't go with my original plan.  I might have to save my papercraft ideas for a personal project.

I guess that's about it.  I'm definitely getting better at cutting, though my folding leaves a lot to desired...and straight lines are still my enemy.  I'm optimistic though.  Hopefully some of our projects next semester will be more conducive to my skill set, but hey, never a bad thing to learn new skills.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Random moleskine sketches

For lack of anything better to blog about, have some favorite forgotten sketches from my lovely moleskine sketchbook of doom (and silky paper.)

Basically, it breaks down to my tiny hobbit hand over and over, some trees in the wooded area behind the Spencer Museum (somewhere...I really don't remember, these pages are from like September xD) anddd this random, Ghibli-inspired dragon critter. (Click-through for full view, por favor, because blogger format is stupid.)

Final Lantern

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Lantern Prototypes

Three structure experimentations for my lantern (the last two are modeled by Brooke :) ).  Next up, the final product!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Paper Experimentation

Here are photos of some of the "skins" I made for our final project in BDS 101.

Next up, constructed models of my lantern!