Thursday, December 1, 2011

Coke Bottle Redesign

Now for something completely different!  I just thought I'd share this design I found; it reminded me of our second project as well as the importance of considering going green in design.  The photos and description are directly quoted from the original article which you can view here.

"Industrial designer Andrew Kim has created a new Coke bottle concept that could significantly change the soda maker's footprint. For every 4 bottles currently shipped, the square bottle design could ship 6. This means every shipping container could hold 4,000 more bottles of Coke.
Kim also considered that Americans use 2 million plastic bottles every 5 minutes, so he made the bottle itself green. It is  100% plant based, made entirely from sugar cane byproducts. Which is amusing since Coke hasn't been made from sugar since 1985. Am I the only one who thinks the whole "New Coke" dibacle was really just a way to cover up the switch to High Fructose Corn Syrup?
So I propose a new Pepsi Challenge, which soda giant can make the greenest bottle first?"

Don't know if this design is actually going to be implemented, but I thought it was pretty cool.

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